Jake Massoth

Data Engineer

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Hi, my name is Jake and I am an American Computer Science student. I aim to build software that positively affects millions of people’s lives.

GitHub Projects

Here are some of my open-source projects. In fact, you are looking at one right now!

Work Experience

Pediatric Potential Inc.

Web Developer

April 2019-October 2020

Performed web administrator responsibilities for clients, created and modified existing wordpress templates for single and multi-lingual websites using the Twig templating engine.

Used HTML and CSS to create HTML-based email signatures for clients.


HTML/CSS Teacher

Feburary 2019-March 2019

Created HTML/CSS curriculum and lessons for 12-14 year old Dutch students.


Founder and Lead Developer

October 2016-May 2018

Developed BusKW website and functional webapp, Google maps and Mapbox platforms.

Designed and built backend REST APIs and databases for geographical information system platforms, using Django framework and PostgreSQL.

Carried out administration-related activities, i.e. meeting with investors, created business plans.

Successfully collaborated with a diverse leadership team.


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Expected Graduation June 2021

BSc in Computer Science

Currently pursuing a bachelor of science in computer science.

The American International School of Kuwait


International Baccalaureate Diploma

Graduate of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme, widely considered one of the most rigorous and intensive high school programs, with a focus on business, physics, mathematics, information technology, and music.

Graduated with honours and a GPA of 4.13.

Obtained the International Baccalaureate diploma with a final score of 34.


Written about my work:

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